Mineral-Mineral Interrelationship

Certain vitamins influence the metabolism of some minerals. Some examples:
Vitamin D in Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism:
In vitamin D deficiency, the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestine is very low. Administration of vitamin D corrects the defect.
Vitamin C and Iron:
Heme iron is well absorbed and relatively little affected by other foods eaten in the same meal. 
On the other hand, the absorption of nonheme iron, the major dietary pool, is greatly influenced by meal composition. Ascorbic acid is a powerful enhance of nonheme iron absorption.
Certain minerals affect the metabolism of other minerals. Some examples:
Copper and Iron: Copper is essential for the incorporation of iron in haemoglobin.
Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and Phosphorus:
The presence of excess of calcium in the diet affects adversely the intestinal absorption of phosphorus and vice versa.
Presence of excessive amounts of phosphorus in the diet interferes with the absorption of magnesium and iron.

1 comment:

  1. Very informative article. It is good to get appropriate amount of essential minerals, I agree. But I prefer that people check for the actual content of minerals in their food with nutrition calculator which really helps you get the adequate amount of potassium, calcium, sodium and other electrolytes.
