•To ensure that all of the required nutrients are present in a diet, people are encouraged to make use of five basic food groups in the diet, namely, the following:
•Food Guide Pyramid: organized foods into five groups (Five food groups).
•Bread, cereal, rice and pasta group: 6-11 servings
•Vegetables group: 3-5 servings
•Fruit group: 2-4 servings
•Milk, yogurt and cheese group: 2-3 servings
•Meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts group: 2-3 servings
•Fats, oils and sweets: Use sparingly
•The actual number of servings from each group that is consumed should depend on each person’s total energy requirement.
•The selection of the food groups used in the food guides was based primarily on the unique nutritive contributions of the foods within each group.
•The specific nutritive contributions of the major food groups:
•Bread and cereal products: Rich sources of starch including fiber, fair to good sources of proteins and certain B-vitamins.
•Fruits and vegetables: Rich sources of vitamins and minerals.
•Milk and milk products: Rich sources of proteins, minerals and vitamins.
•Meat, poultry, fish, and eggs: Protein rich foods. Provides over half of all protein recommended in the diet. Fat, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamin B12, iron, zinc, magnesium.
•Fats and oils: Rich sources of energy.
•Knowing the individual nutrients and their recommended intakes, you can now ask how the available foods can be juggled to create a diet that supplies all the needed nutrients in the appropriate amounts for good health.
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